Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Broken Refrigerator

May 21, 2013

Mr. Jack Freeze
Jack Freeze Refrigerators
314 Raspberry Lane
London, UK

Dear Mr. Freeze:
I am a user of your fine line of refrigerator products and have been for a bit over 2 years, but over this past weekend I discovered something horrible. One of my new refrigerators that I bought from your company for $2,000 dollars, it seems the thermostat had failed and its temperature began a very sharp rise to over 48 degrees.

Now I was not using this refrigerator for storing household food, this was for my research of skin samples for a new ink that is glow in the dark that can be put under the skin. And no I was not storing human skin, it was different animals such as pigs, wolf, and deer. As a new was to track animals for study, and could be used for human tattoos. I have lost both money and time, $600 dollars to be precise.

I am not directly asking for a whole new product, no just for someone to look at it and try to find the issue or issues and fix them. But if necessary replace the whole refrigerator as I need to get my work restarted as soon as possible.

Your valued customer,
 Dr. Val Zimman

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